Pamper Party

This past Saturday, my friends threw me a Bridal/Lingerie/Pamper Party!!!
It was great fun, I had to dress up in Lingerie ;) and parade around like that all day long, luckily only in front of girls!
We were supposed to have pole dancing lessons but the pole dancer had some crisis so she could not come. So we ended up playing guess the present. And for every present I guessed wrongly, I had to do some embarrasing thing like:
- Pretend to lick cream off my husbands body
- Pretend to be a hooker and pick up a guy on the road
- Pole dance with a broom stick
- Give someone a lap dance
Oh it was so embarrasing but fun at the same time. I received lots of great lingerie and pamper products!
Thanks ladies for a stunning day!!!!
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