Laylatul Bara'ah - Night of Salvation

Tonight is a very special night in the islamic calendar.
It is the night of seeking forgiveness and repenting to Almighty Allah, remembering our past sins and sincerely promising that you will never commit sins in the future. This is the night where Allah requests the Angels to close our record books for the past year and the following for the coming year is written, Our rizk (propserity) for the year, the names of those to leave this world, the names of those who will be born, the difficulties and the good to come upon us in the world (etc. etc.)
To All the muslims - May the Almighty Allah accept all your Dua's (prayers) and shower his mercy & blessings upon you and your families, may Allah forgive us for all our sins we have committed in the past and strengthen our hearts with Imaan and love, may Allah accept all our dua's and all our good deeds for the past year and keep our Muslim Ummah stronger than before while we strive everyday to perfect it and stay united - INSHA-ALLAH!!!
Please make dua for all the deceased family and friends, the hungry & destitute, who are suffering, all over the world whom we have forgotten, let us make dua for all our Muslim Brothers and Sisters that are facing hardship and difficulties wherever they may be situated around the world
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