Week 2 on sureslim
Week 1:
It was a total disaster, I was craving carbs like mad and cheating left right & centre. I was feeling totally down and feeling ill at the same time. Over the weekend I made a renewed commitment to stick to the programme.
Week 2:
Well today is the start of week 2 and so far so good, no cravings today, had my breakfast and water etc and just taking it easy. Last week was a nightmare. Joined the sureslim support forum so myabe that will give me some more motivation as well.
Below is my before picture (everyone has to have one). So I need to lose weight around my mid section, thighs and upper arms.
My cheeks are a problem too but I guess that will go down when I lose weight in general!
So lets see what sureslim can do for me!
I just make dua that I lose the weight so I can stop complaining all the time! I irritate myself. So I will be writing more in my blog so that I can keep my mind off foody! YUM YUM
Fading...... bye

The pic looks perfect....! i personally think u must be putting on a lil weight rather losing it ;)..
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