if you don't have it fake it

a blog about me, about this and that, about life....

Monday, November 27, 2006

Just another day.....like every other day

Yesterday was seriously a blue monday! I was so busy at work!

I can't even look forward to a lovely holiday at the end of December because I need to make a few sacrifices to be ultimately happy next year. Okay, maybe not ultimately happy... but happier.

Went to my friend's baby shower this weekend, I was so shocked to see her, she was very pregnant! And looked so cute! Her baby is due on the 31 December, so she doesn't have very long to go. I was just looking at her and thought, WOW! I can't believe that she's pregnant.... it didn't seem that long ago when we were flat mates and partying up a storm. It is amazing how life changes as you grow up.

One day that will be me.... I am so ready to progress to the next level, husband, baby and family life. I have been ready for a while. So inshallah, 2007 will be the year.

It all boils down to one meeting which is taking place possibly next week. Will let you know what it is and what the outcome is next week.


Got It

ooooh I am so excited!!!

Got my book today by courier. . .

Its called..."that extra half an inch" hair, heels and everything in between

I have been reading it through my lunch break and she has some interesting fashion pointers. Especially when it comes to dressing for your height, shape, age etc

A gift for myself...will post some great tips, gotta get back to work now.....


Thursday, November 23, 2006

Wish List

I wish I may, I wish I might get the wish I wish tonight :) hehe

I wish for: some of them are really unrealistic but whats the harm in dreaming

Gucci Watch, Chloe Paddington Bag; VB Rock & Republic Jeans, a designer Abaya from N Collection Dubai

Monday, November 20, 2006

Post Post

I have not posted in a while... so a general update:

  • had burglar bars installed on my windows at home!!! Yippeee, what a relief, now I can sleep tight at night
  • the diet is going okay..... not losing as quickly as I expected but they always say that people who have a little to lose, lose very slowly
  • 3 weeks till i meet the parents! yeah my boyfriends parents. i am so nervous, what do i say? what do i speak about? i need some advice.

my weekend was good, chilled most of the time and watched movies. yesterday went to watch a cycling event, that is my boyfriends new passion, cycling. he is taking part in a cycle race next year so he has started his training regime. no choice but to join him in his quest, but I am not the cycling type.... i will just watch.

will post later again


Tuesday, November 07, 2006


On sunday night three apartments were burgled in our apartment building. One right next to mine, another one door away from me and one more on the second floor. Most of the things taken were things like mobile phones, wallets and jewellry. What freaks me out is that firstly they scaled the building palisade fence and climbed up to the first floor using the ledges and getting through small windows which were open. The freaks entered two of the apartments while the occupants were in there!

I must say Alhamdulilaah that they did not come into my apartment! I would have died just knowing that someone invaded my personal space! So now I am getting burglar proofing put on the windows.

Makes me feel like packing up and leaving this country and going to live somewhere were they chop off your hands when you do such things! And hopefully in these spidermens case, chop off their feet too!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Week 2 on sureslim

Week 1:

It was a total disaster, I was craving carbs like mad and cheating left right & centre. I was feeling totally down and feeling ill at the same time. Over the weekend I made a renewed commitment to stick to the programme.

Week 2:
Well today is the start of week 2 and so far so good, no cravings today, had my breakfast and water etc and just taking it easy. Last week was a nightmare. Joined the sureslim support forum so myabe that will give me some more motivation as well.

Below is my before picture (everyone has to have one). So I need to lose weight around my mid section, thighs and upper arms.

My cheeks are a problem too but I guess that will go down when I lose weight in general!

So lets see what sureslim can do for me!

I just make dua that I lose the weight so I can stop complaining all the time! I irritate myself. So I will be writing more in my blog so that I can keep my mind off foody! YUM YUM

Fading...... bye